Wish I didn't know now

occ here

Word Count → 338

Someone stepped in front of him, and he halted, his nostrils flaring slightly in an effort to separate the scent of this one dog from all the others. It was useless, at least to him, as he was quite unused to such an environment. He squinted slightly as a feminine voice offered him rest beside a wagon, and he spent a long moment discerning the shape of the canine before he nodded, reaching out when he saw movement--yes, they had offered him an arm. As he was steered away from the hustle and bustle of the market place, he kept a firm hold on Hamza's neck, pulling and pushing his head in order to guide the animal out of the way. Once they were stopped, he let go, and the bison's head lowered to graze. Swentzle couldn't help a small smile as he patted his mount.

Fovea flopped into the shade as well, and Swentzle carefully lowered himself beside the larger female, crossing his legs and arms. Thank you, He said, bowing his head fluidly. It was somewhat distressing, to realize he looked distressed enough to require assistance, but he was glad someone had come to his aid. Folding his hands in his lap, he tilted his head, his eyes struggling to make her out in the wan light. She spoke, suddenly, and Swentzle leaned back slightly, tilting his head. For a moment he thought perhaps she meant Hamza, as he was much admired back home; but up here people seemed more interested in his other companions. You mean Fovea? The feline's head rose, but seeing that he wasn't calling her, it lowered again, her tail lashing in such a way that he knew she was now aware they were speaking of her. Indeed she is, quite a beauty. I've had her since she was a kitten. He reached out a blind hand, and Fovea was quick to roll into it, her head coming just so so that he was scratching behind her ears as he spoke.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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