Wish I didn't know now

occ here

Word Count → 422

Swentzle nodded politely as the woman informed him of her trade, and thought he understood her interest in Fovea. Even among the Great Plains, she was considered a rare treasure, as her coat was surprisingly dark; he wondered if she were interested for the cat itself, or for the coat only. Either way, Swentzle would never give Fovea up to such an uncertain fate; he'd raised her, after all, and she was his hunting companion--though, lately, there hadn't been much of the "companion" to that, more so she brought the food to the fire. He dug his fingers more deeply into her fur as something shattered nearby, and he turned his head toward the sound, curious and wary despite himself.

His companion's reaction to the noise had his grip tightening on Fovea's fur, until the feline yowled in protest and jerked away. He murmured an apology and stroked her more gently, and she leaned against his thigh, a purr starting up in her chest. He sat wondering about the fate of the poor girl, and wrinkling his nose slightly at the heavy perfume that wafted through the air. Its smell was heady, and not at all soothing, like the incense that he added to his fire; he managed to get used to it after a moment, though, during which time the merchant cleaned up after her worker's mess.

No apologies necessary, He said as she sat down again, and squinted as the blurry shape moved toward him, perhaps with something in its hand. Fovea was far quicker, rolling onto her stomach and snatching the meat before Swentzle could even recognize it for what it was. The sounds of her snacking on her treat soon followed, and Swentzle sighed, shaking his head. Do forgive us. I tried to raise her not to be a savage. Fovea's tail lashed against the ground and she growled, cupping the meat with her paws and gnawing on it more than she ate. And thank you for the impromptu snack, He added, with a baleful look down at his companion.

At her question, Swentzle rolled his shoulders in an elegant shrug, not entirely sure how to answer. I was unaware there was anything here, He settled for, So I have not come for anything. There are quite a few things I could use, however. He took a moment to run through his mental checklist of supplies, and said after a moment, Would you happen to have any spices, or medicinal herbs? I am especially low on Chile.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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