Shadows Can't Hide In The Dark

The man smiled gently as Shiloh pulled him onto the blanket to lay on the grassy ground. His indigo eyes closed happily as he lay back. "I do want to love you. I want to be with you." He opened his eyes and kissed her cheek. When Sarian pounced on his large black ear, he turned over to lay on his front to play with Sarian. He lifted Sarian ove his head as if she was flying. "This is how a bird flies!" He chuckled at the little one as she was so playful and sweet. It had come to mind that he was just like the father-figure for Sarian. The coywolf was rather happy that Sarian accepted him around. He touched the tip of her tiny nose gently with a finger, he set her down and nestled her between Shiloh and himself, enjoying the tranquility that this feeling gave him. "I love you." He licked Shiloh's nose and closed his eyes, they are lay in the field, peaceful and tranquil. The grasses bobbed in the wind as they lay there, dark clouds in the distance loomed. "looks like there's a storm comin' in. Don't want Sarian getting sick." He murmured the words to Shiloh softly, warning that it could blow and rain.

Black fingers wound themselves in the dying grass, thinking of things to say. "I-I want to be with you. I want to be there for Sarian." Being awkward with words, the dark male wondered if he had said it right. Gently wrapping the blanket around all of them, Aleo kept them all warm. His wounds had healed and there was scarring. The coywolf grinned and touched his lover's face softly. He accepted her for who she was, never judging her once. For one time in his life he had felt acceptance, peace and happiness. Not to mention love. His heart swelled at the grand feelings within, violet eyes glowed with the feelings. It started to sprinkle with rain and the male was able to bundle them both up in the blanket, "Up ya go!" He hoisted Shiloh and Sarian who were both wrapped in a blanket and carried them under an old and very large tree. They would stay dry here, he gently set them down and wrapped an arm around Shiloh, the other arm over Sarian to keep the tiny girl warm. [/html]

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