heavens made with black fire


Eris is by me!

The male spoke in a strange tongue the sable-hued woman did not recognize. Larkspur might have recognized it, but Eris was dull where it came to language. The hybrid did not respond, and instead took several retreating steps away from the wolf. Though he showed sign of submission, the dark woman trusted no outsider; they were all poltroons as far as Eris Eternity was concerned. His submission could easily be a ploy. Her lips drew back and she snarled, pearly teeth revealed in all their deadly-sharp glory.

Later, the trance would set in and she would become passive, but for now, the adrenaline burned through her like fire, setting her extremities to tingling. From somewhere behind the wolf came a voice, and Eris's eyes shifted to see a pale figure standing behind the outsider. The figure was cloaked, but the sable Auxiliary recognized their newest charge, Esmeralda. Behind her, even more distant, was another figure: dark, mottled browns and long, long hair, tied back and away from his face. Miqui advanced to stand at Esmeralda's side, several feet apart from her. The newcomer might try to escape to either side, of course, but his way further into Salsola was blocked by formidable canines.

A blur of motion caught the dark woman's eyes, and she barely saw the knife as it hurtled toward the newcomer. Though the chartreuse-eyed woman did not see whether it struck or not, she chose to recover the ground she'd given to the man as he'd advanced, taking a few steps closer to him. Her dark body was held in a half-crouch, low to the ground. She could still see that surging energy around this strange trespasser, and the desire in her grew. She would have him, she must have him.

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