Wish I didn't know now

occ here

Word Count → 236

She wove her words subtly through the air, and he could see that they were meant to entice. That he noticed such simple manipulation meant that it was done well--it might have worked, too, had she not spoken out against the girl only moments before. He rose gracefully to his feet as he thought, his ears swiveling to track her movements, and she returned shortly and handed him several pots. He lifted the lids on them carefully, one by one, and trusted his nose to tell him what they were; Chile, in the largest, and a good strain, at that. The others were familiar to him, though he didn't know their names, as they came from farther north than he was used to. He nodded his satisfaction and moved to hand the pots back, pausing as the merchant spoke again.

Hamza bellowed shortly, then bent his head once more to his grazing, and Swentzle finally turned his head toward where he'd heard the commotion only moments before, his mouth forming a tight frown. He went over the comments she'd made that he'd dismissed earlier, and finally everything clicked into place. A slave trader, if he was correct. Folding his hands in his lap, he lifted his head, his ears standing tall and his head tilted, though there was a bit of a displeased air about him. The girl must be a handful. He offered simply.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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