It's time for the final chapter
She was indeed surprised when the male showed up out of nowhere, but she held her own and watched the male that was towering above her. She sat silently for a moment before giving him a nod of greeting, her voice cool and clear as she answered him politely. "Hello to you too, though I lay no claim to these woods, you're welcome to wander them just the same.." She smiled softly as she looked about the lands, the woods were indeed a place to seek peace and quiet, though the darkness seemed to creep about them, shadows and shades to make it seem less than what it really was. Shaking her head at the thought she pushed the idle evils from her mind and settled back on her haunches and turned her eyes to the werewolf before her.

With his words she raised a brow and asked him quietly. "What makes you think I'm hiding in these lands?" she turned her eyes to the scape around her before continuing. "Besides, it's only dark and dangerous if you believe it to be, there's nothing to fear of shadows and dappled light.." she knew she should be worried by the way the male spoke, but his demeaner seemed to show no plans of the darkness he spoke of and so she ignored the tinge of warning and watched and waited.

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