
OOC: Welcome back! Smile / WC: 409


During his tale he glimpsed her a few times out of the corner of his eye and was surprised to see her listening to attentively. She raised her head to look at him and her expression was genuinely interested. Did he detect the slightest amount of empathy? He couldn't be sure, but what vague presence it held gave him comfort and eased the words off his lips. His charcoal rimmed ears twitched to the sound of her voice as she gave reply. The sound was less haughty, but he had to disagree with what she was saying. I don't know what sort of stories you've been told, but I'm no prince. He looked elsewhere, twitching his ear. It's simpler than that. His brows began to furrow a moment as a thought passed through his head. In his pack the line of succession was not determined by blood, but by stature and strength. Did that mean his father had felt threatened by him? He looked up to Caspa in his thought. Some things are starting to make sense. It was primitive, he agreed now, but his pack had been remote, relatively untouched by civilization. They adhered to the rules of the wolf before they gained their intelligence, before they were freed from human domination. They remembered their ancestors, and kept their code. Thank you. He'd found the answer he'd been longing for and closed his eyes to heave a sigh of relief. At least the burden was lifted, although the burden on his soul was not. He was still an exile, still without a home, or a friend to call on. Nor did he believe he was fully ready to move on, although this certainly made things easier. Caspa's comment had triggered an epiphany regardless of whether she knew it or not and he was grateful for her presence.

He rose to his feet and tugged at the carcass of the hare still dangling limply from the fence. He'd gathered that she was finished and was thankful she'd left some to spare. He chewed contently and poked his nose in for another bite. The white of his fur was now stained a muddy red, which he licked at absently. He met her comment with a short laugh. Romantic isn't what I'd call it, he swished his tail and looked down shaking his head and letting out another muted chuckle. I'm really intrigued to hear where you're getting these ideas from.

Table Template by the Mentors!

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