Thief in a Wagon
Chione Keisari

ooc text. don't mind chio much, she won't shoot just out of anything.

Sounds came from behind. Mora shifted an ear and, as soon as she noticed someone unknown was invading the cart, she turned her whole body towards the cart and let out a loud scream, standing on her hind legs, kicking her front hooves for a while before darting to the chariot, exposing her teeth and neighing loudly, trying to keep the invader trapped, not leaving much of a escape route for the thief.

Chione heard the mayhem and dropped the kill and made a run for it, the fawn held tight on one arm while the other reached for her bow and an arrow. No one messes with her stuff and goes away with it!

Not a minute later, she was at the small clearing, Mora throwing quite a tantrum As soon as the equine hybrid noticed her, she backed off, making space for the approaching oriental master. The emperor girl dropped the fawn on Mora's feet, where it lied still, clearly too terrified to move because of all that mess. Chio climbed the chariot in one swift leap, bow and arrow at the ready, usually warm and sweet eyes turned hard, deadly precise aim locked on the intruding wolf's chest. With a quick, trained mind, she evaluated the situation. The thief had been caught off her guard. Her eyes were still adjusting with the fire glow shyly lighting the inside of the wagon, but it was more than enough for her. The unknown wolf was a mixture of brown, black and reddish auburn. She hadn't explored much of the chariot; just a few cloths out of place, a necklace on the ground, one of Chio's meat supply pots open, part of the content still on the thief's bloodied mouth. A low growl shaped on the black and white shewolf, white teeth slightly unsheated.

"W'ht do ye think yer doin' in me wag'n, chump?" She inquired, her squealing voice not doing much to make her sound so scary. At least her bloody, messy self, face sheltered by a heavy durry hood, antlers and all would be enough. "W'll?!" The short luperci pressed, strong fingers pulling the bow at its full lenght.

Long range weapons weren't the best approach in such a tight situation, but if the other made any suspicious move, it was just a question of letting go of the arrow. And in such a close range, it was likely the sharp stone tip would go through the intruder's chest, if not completely through.

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