Iskata had no clue why in the world she'd set paw in the old human city, it had been so long since she'd even given a thought to exploring, her mind having been set on other things. Instead of ignore her own thoughts like she would have and go about her way she looked longingly towards the city and gave in. Her gold tinted paws soon were carrying her down the streets towards the real start of the city. She'd decided that she'd visit a few of the building and find some interesting books before heading back to her pack's lands and to the cottage she'd claimed as her own. Before she could even set paw towards a single interesting building the scent of another caught her attention. She knew deep down she should ignore it, but she didn't.

She gritted her teeth and set after the scent of her nephew, soon finding her way towards the church where another scent was overwhelming the first. She stopped dead in her tracks as she realized that she was getting herself caught up in something she shouldn't. She turned away from the scents, hoping that they were just crossed scents and nothing more but before she could even take a step backwards on her trail the clatter and crash came from the church before her. She snarled and gave in, her paws dragging her into the building where she knew she shouldn't set paw.

The dim light of the church was hard to grow use to but the sight of the fight before her set her in motion, guided by scent as well as her deminished sight. The scarred silver and gold female's eyes settled on the form of Haku struggling to get out from under Gabriel's snarling form. When a lucky gathered kick threw the hybrid male away from her nephew Iskata flew into action and barrelled her way between the two male.

Lowering her head she braced her legs and snarled at Gabriel, her fierce ivy eyes daring him to try again for the chocolate hued male behind her. Deep inside she knew what she was doing was wrong but Haku was still family and as much as she loved Faolin there was no love between Gabriel and her. She growled deep in her throat as she felt her muscles tense as she waited to meet what was coming.

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