Wish I didn't know now

occ here

Word Count → 191

Swentzle nodded along with the female's words, though the unease settled in his chest and he wanted nothing more than to move on then. He stroked his hands down Fovea's neck, thoughtfully, and swiveled his ears to catch the sounds of the marketplace. He was slowly getting used to it, and it seemed people weren't approaching Hamza at the moment--with the way Swentzle could hear his ears slapping against his head every now and again, he could tell the bison was getting irritated. He bowed his head a bit in thought, only raising it again when the merchant spoke again.

I see... He murmured thoughtfully, and then shook his head in answer to her question. There is little I need that my current companions cannot provide. He admitted, and then added, I am merely...curious. And he could freely admit that the prospect was intriguing, though if he were entirely honest with himself, it may very likely only be because the concept was so strange. He thought about it a moment more, and then brought his mind back to the present. What would you like in return for the herbs?

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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