Take Care
[And in this corner]

Shiloh was taken off guard as Kiara playful nipped her ear and growled some. So it was going to be that way eh? Shiloh smiled and was able to get out of Kiara's grip and nip at her paws. "Come and get me if you can Kiara," she said with a laugh and another nip to her flank. Shiloh jumped at her, used what she did hear from Saxif before she left against the girl in play. She hoped that Kiara had some fighting spirit. She needed a sparring partner and need to relieve some tension. She was distracted for a moment at X'yrin's soft laughter and Sarian's soft growls as the woman pinned her and let her eat her hand.

Shiloh watched X'yring closely, watching the older woman tickle her daughter, Sarian's laughter engolfing her and Shiloh smiled. She wanted so much to hear Sarian laugh more and play more and she remember the way Sarian had laughed and played with Aleo. Shiloh had found her friends and family and for the first time in months Shiloh was happy.

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