i wanna be with you
Rain watched her nuzzle her pup, their pups closer to her before asking him what was wrong, then explaining that Shiloh attacked her. He stiffened and looked down at her. " Sie tat, was! Warum haben Sie mir nicht sagen! Sie will dich töten Sam! Sie wird dich töten! Sie sterben an Wunden, die sie zufügt Sie während der Wehen. Sie nimmt unsere Töchter .... unsere schöne Töchter und ich verliere meine Töchter und mein Kumpel, weil dieser Frau. Ich verliere Sie Sam!"he yelled at her as their pups whined and woke. He shook with anger. Why was this woman torturing him. He stood, his hackles rising. Shiloh had touched Sam. She had injured his mate. He wanted her blood for it. But he remembered all the blood he had already from the woman. She hadn't seriously injured Sam... just left enough of a mark to make him mad, get under his fur.

He turned back to his beautiful mate and pups. What did he really think of him? She must think he is a monster for what he had done to Shiloh. Shiloh had been so thin compared to what her remembered and her eyes held so much pain and anguish. He had ruined her life and now she wanted to ruin his. He wanted to fix the woman he had broke. "Sam... please don't think differently of me. I love you. Everything you are... everything you mean to me is enough. You mean so much to me. Don't ever think you do anything wrong. You are perfect to me. And I can't lose you," he whispered, licking her face softly.

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