Collecting Payment
#5 For collar and other picture stuff

A shaman! Amy's lips curled up in a smile. Shamans were useful indeed. Her mind switched from buying something exotic to collecting somebody exotic. As a slave shamans were usually in high demand, giving the spiritual comfort that dark souls often wanted and free beings wouldn't give. Amy considered the wolf's offer. How about one for luck. She didn't necessarily need any to be able to take the shaman with her, but any extra help would be appreciated. Amy still wanted a demonstration of the girl's work as well.

Are there many of you here? Amy's questions changed, aiming to measure the girl's worth now. Her eyes studied the budding artist. The appearance was important as well in this case. Since they were to represent purity scars and deformities would make it more difficult to sell her. There seemed to be nothing wrong with the girl though. The sweater hugged her body warmly, showing off the shape. The only thing Amy would wish to change would be removing the black streak. Being pure white would boost it even more.

It was her policy to be honest in business though. The black streak wouldn't be hidden. Amy's ears twitched as she thought about how to boost the sales. The healing knowledge was a good one. Even if the buyer wasn't spiritual they would be able to see the girl's worth. Her knowledge of spirits and soft spirit were good selling points as well. Maybe she could advertise the black streak as what showed her connection to the spirits?

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