Long be the road to fulfillment

It had been a while since she and Matteo had been accepted into AniWaya by Claudius, the days passed by quicker here with her being able to see the sky and sun and moon's progress across it at night and day. Like a breath of fresh air it breathed life back into her and the woman no longer walked with her body crouched and her ears flattened constantly although she did show an over the top amount of respect to the others around here which had gained her a few strange looks but she didn't want to give them any chance to kick her out.

She didn't notice the light grey colored man who was looking around as she stole between the houses on her way towards the great fire. The fire had become a symbol of hope for the young beaten woman and sometimes she swore she could hear whispers from it, speaking quietly enough that she couldn't make out the words. Still she simply liked listening to the hiss and pop of the wood in the inferno, maybe in time when she was better she could help care for it but she doubted it really, they wouldn't want outsider trash like herself taking care of their beloved and sacred fire.

The scarred girl sat herself down on one of the logs nearby to the fire and rested her hands on her knees and her head on her hands, staring into the depths of the fire. Its warmth caressed her and made her feel safer than she had ever done before in her life, she felt that their spirits knew her life and knew her pain and didn't judge her for her tormented thoughts and disturbing actions. She hoped that she could heal eventually, she didn't want to stay broken her whole life. She was having one of her moments when she was aware of all her failings and the many many ways that she was messed up, she clung on to this moment with passion knowing that soon she would sink down back into her world of delusion and whorish behavior again.

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