Vagabond, traveler from afar

Hmm...I'm not sure where they should take it from here.

Asmodai furrowed his brows slightly as she spoke. He did not understand everything she was saying, he did not know what ships or hulls were, so he had trouble fathoming the situation she described. He could glean from the context that it had something to do with how she'd come to be here from over the water.

"It is lucky that you managed to make it on to land with such an injury, though unlucky that you took the injury at all. I do not know what sort of injury is typical in a ship crash." He knew a little bit about how to treat injuries, everyone from Grey Claw needed to at least know the basics of such things. It didn't sound like crossing the great waters was something which he would want to do, though. Taking injuries from putting yourself in a dangerous environment was a way he was taught never to become hurt...Lonna had died that way, putting her old body through the rigors of travel and taking a leap which was too great for her brittle bones. In so doing, she had failed to attain the preferred death of her people, or even the death of old age.

"How many wolves cross the ocean? How often does it happen, and what do outsiders travel here for that they can't get on the other side of the water?" The ocean was a thing of interest to him, but it sounded like traversing it was dangerous and--on the surface, anyway--entirely pointless. He would hold this especially true if he knew how centralized wolf society was in Europe.


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