OOC: Sorry mines long XD... mostly character development.

Saxif was still in disbelief at the budding life within her, her mind was lost in thought. Shouldn’t I feel happy? She thought as most females often glowed with absoluteness and fulfillment when they had gotten pregnant. Leon knew this would be hard on her and offered sanctuary within Anathema along side him. She was both offended and gracious of the offer but needed time to think it over. Finally tired of sitting by the opening of her den she arose and began to walk. She mindlessly played with the hawk skull at her neck as she let her thoughts envelop her.

She tried to accept this as a grand plan from the Great Spirit but she couldn’t help but to think it was a deep joke and result of her own foolishness. She strapped her eloquent bow across her back; she was still forced to wait out the final days of her healing. She hadn’t needed the splint on her arm, as she was sure it was nearly solid enough to use it for menial tasks. She always kept it for safety being injured it was best to have a plan other than fighting. She walked for what seemed like a direct route but her mind was lost in thought. It wasn’t until she saw Jager again his head raised and blue eyes staring at her in wonder that she realized she was going in a circle.

She sighed and went out further, she ended up on a fallen tree not far from her home where she sat for a long time holding her knees. Her face rose from her safe little nook between her knees at an odd sound. A slight unusual fear filled her when she seen a figure move within the trees. Who ever it was, was too close and seemed far too close to her trail. The thought of being stalked like prey always threw the girl into a bit of frenzy. She was a hunter she did the stalking. She drew her bow and notched an arrow her body seemed to sigh in absolute relief when she pulled the string back for the first time in over a month. She had meant to send out a warning shot, to let the stranger know that she was armed and ready if they tried anything funny. The arrow flew from the bow.

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