Collecting Payment
Alexandrea almost held her breath as the customer examined her work, looking it over with sharp eyes, and the young Luperci swallowed nervously with a curious tilt of her head. It was hard to tell what the foreigner was thinking and at the angle she was in she couldn’t quite see her face and therefor wasn’t able to read it. She nibbled on her lower lip and fidgeted slightly as the customer continued to scan the pattern over her arm. Did she like it? Was it okay? She waited with her heart pounding and pulse racing, until she finally spoke, saying that it was good.
The young wolf-dog was almost stunned with surprise as well as relief, and thought that her heart would beat right out of her chest when she saw the customer hold out a small bag that held a heavy scent of herbs. Quickly and carefully nudging the jars out of her way she scooted close her hands outstretched, to grasp the bag in her eager hold. She clutched the herbs close to her, gazing down at them with wonder and hope, as her ears pricked up to catch what else her customer had to say. She could feel her spirits soar above the clouds with those words that she heard, and she nuzzled the bag with joy.
Then the young white canine felt a jolt of surprise when the customer suddenly appeared much closer, having leaned in as she asked her another question. She blinked her bright blue eyes, but forced herself to remain still; she wasn’t used to being in such close proximity with someone else and it made her feel uneasy and a bit uncomfortable, but she wouldn’t dare want to offend this Luperci who had given her such valuable herbs. She swallowed, before finally opening her muzzle to speak. “I… I’m Alexandrea Sacnite.” She spoke with a slight bow, both from addressing herself and as a polite gesture of apology, as she moved away and inched towards her grandmother’s room.
“Please, excuse me…” She said in her quiet soft tone, as she glanced at the cloth that draped over the entrance, now feeling very eager to get these herbs to her. With another swift and lower bow, she quickly darted to the other room. She padded quickly to the bedside and smiled down at her guardian, before setting down the small bag at her side. She’d apply the herbs to her shortly, but she couldn’t leave her customer alone like that; it was rude. She nuzzled her grandmother affectionately before returning to the foreigner.
“I’m sorry about that.” She apologized with an almost regretful look. She had been so eager to treat her adopted grandparent that she had been very rude to her generous customer. She flicked her ears as she bowed yet again. Then she suddenly remembered her previous question, she lowered her ears in embarrassment and further shame. She glanced around nervously, as she spoke again. “My grandmother was the only Shaman before she trained me.”

[ooc: 505 Word count.]

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