Merchant and Slave
Alexendrea felt her eyes flutter open as she dazed around in a trance-like state, still wary from her sleep, as her long muzzle opened up in a large yawn. She came to realize that the cart had stop and the sudden change was what woke her up. Blinking the sleep from her blue gaze she glanced around and was aware that she was still held captive; there were plenty of times when she would wake and pray that everything had just been a horrible nightmare, but she still woke to the cold reality of her situation. She hung her head and tried to bite back a sob, as tears burned her eyes, but she forced herself to stay strong; she couldn’t afford to break down now and lose all hope.
Her ears pricked up at the sound of water and her head shot up, ear standing on end to catch more sounds, almost as if she couldn’t believe what she had heard. Cautiously she crawled to the end of the cart and peered out, scanning around until her eyes fell on Miss Sunders diving into a body of water. Seizing this opportunity she leaped out of the cart and darted underneath it, her mind racing with ideas at escape. Her empty stomach, hollowed out from days without food, made thinking difficult, but she was still able to come up with a quick plan.
On swift limbs she dashed forward her black lips quivering in anticipation, before she lunged at the horse’s back leg and gave it a sharp nip; she wasn’t planning on hurting the horse, just scaring it. She had learned that a horse’s first reaction was to instinctively run, and with the horse running away with the cart she would be more likely to escape, when the merchant was torn between her valuable items and a runaway slave.
Alexandrea then turned around and bolted down the path, transforming into her Secui form as the dust curled up around her. She made a mad dash around the bend away from the older Luperci’s eyes, and dove into the water, keeping her body rigid so that she hardly made a sound as she made her plunge. Now submerged, she swam deeper, swaying her hindquarters to and fro so that she may move stealthily without disturbing the water’s surface. She had been taught to swim and fish in her homeland, but was never very good at it, however now with her freedom on the line she was the best she had ever been.
The young hybrid reached out and pulled herself down to the very bottom, gripping onto a rock as she peered around her surroundings. It was strange. She was so used to a bottomless vast amount of water, with frozen mazes of ice and painfully freezing temperatures. She felt for the current and pushed off, swimming with the current; she had to make as much distance between her and the slaver.

[ooc: 492 word count.]

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