Merchant and Slave
The horse nickered, running towards it's master. Amy had trained it too well for it to panic much. The horse had had it's spirit broken just as she was doing to the girl now. Amy snarled, her good mood broken. Who had done that? She glanced around, only to realize the slave was missing. Furious now she charged out, shredding the clothes off her body. A single outfit didn't hold much meaning to her with several others in the wagon. She tore into her secui form, running to where the wagon was.

Nose to the ground Amy trailed the scent. It ran through the bushes before curving around. She was surprised to see it lead back to the river. What could the fool girl be possibly thinking? Her scent ended in the water, making it difficult to track. Amy wasn't one to let someone escape without punishment though. She let out a whistle, before realizing she was no longer where subordinates jumped at her every word. Cursing now Amy plunged into the water herself. Every strip of civility was gone now, leaving only the monster.

When she got her hands on that girl Alexandrea would wish she hadn't even dreamed of escaping! A twisted smile curved over her lips even as she searched underneath the water for some clue of where the girl was. The current pushed her downstream as she searched. It didn't matter though. The rush was gone. What mattered was what to do when she caught up. Catching the girl, the words to speak, the punishment to hand out. Patiently Amy pushed herself through the water, ignoring the discomfort. Alexandrea would regret this attempt.

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