Morning silence.
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Terrible wait, I'm sorry >_

Hel disliked this show of weakness. So this females, this Adelaida could not shift. It did not mean that she had to be so cowardly, so trembling and weak. She nearly spat that out. She wanted to scream at this female, to shout until her throat was dry and hoarse, that she should die for being so weak. The black female could understand and accept fear, but she had simply said that she wanted information. She'd even expressed peaceful intentions. Slowly, she walked towards the other, the knife still in her hand. Does my size scare you? Do you fear me because I have a weapon? Adelaida, I said I would not harm you. Where had she lived? Sure, some Europeans wolves shunned the shifters, much the same way shifters scorned the wolves, but to act this way?

Fire? Hm... It seemed intriguing enough, but what could this wolf tell her? She was nearly wetting herself just by being around Hel. Annoyed with the situation, the black warrior decided to cut straight to the chase. I am looking for a shifter. Named Connor McTravis. Have you heard of him? If not, Hel would have to leave her alone. But not before she found out exactly why this wolf feared shifters so much. Had they caused the fire? Or had there been a great war? Could a conflict of such epic proportions have evaded Europe and those who regularly came to the new lands? Hel's curiosity was certainly piqued, but she could not hold her temper in check for much longer if Adelaida remained so stubbornly scared.


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