Vagabond, traveler from afar

What she spoke of was strange. Wolves who lived as the humans had? Odd indeed, though it did explain the use of artificial creations to traverse the waters. He supposed that he lived a little bit like a human might...he traveled around on two legs, he had one of the bags they had created strapped to his back, filled with more objects made long ago by their hands. He didn't know just how similar he might be to the wolves Savina described, but he could understand spending a lot of time in were form. It was useful. It had all the advantages of being big, and provided appendages that allowed werewolves to do a wide range of things that were simply impossible for non-weres to do.

"That's alright," he said, "It wasn't an important question, by any means, only a curiosity. So you ended up here by know, that's quite a story. You have done and seen things that I'd wager no one else here has. You should take some pride in the troubles of your life. It's amazing events that make amazing people, and I'd say that what brought you here was a far better adventure than any one else has experienced." His tone was friendly, and a part of him did find it all interesting, but a deeper and well-hidden part of him knew that he was putting on a very slight veneer of wonder to hide the calluses left by his life. He had seen a lot of things himself, but he could act, and right now, a very slight increase in the innocence within his own nature and a decrease in world-weariness would make him much more agreeable to the folk around here, he was certain.


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