It's time for the final chapter
"Ah, well, that is a comforting thing, to know your neighbors. I'm a traveler myself, I have been for a good while now, ever since my pack disbanded a few years ago. I usually feel a little on edge, never knowing who I'll meet up with, so I like to walk on two legs...I've been gifted with a large body, obviously, and shifting to my full size seems to discourage violence towards my person, though last time I wasn't so lucky," he held up his right arm, letting the healing fang marks between his shoulder and elbow show in the light.

"A simple misunderstanding," he said with a tone like he was delivering an unfortunate bit of news, "He was a new member to his pack, a little quick to the fang and forgot where the territory border was drawn. It worked out in the end, everyone walked away. Still...a little more caution and goodwill might go a long way in some parts of the land. You say you know a lot of people here, are they friendly? Or should I expect to be on edge a little while longer?" Smalltalk was nice enough, he hadn't spoken so with a woman in a good long while, though he wasn't about to get any ideas. He wasn't here to make advances, nor was he here to make any one else uncomfortable. No...he had business, and then he could leave. The best thing would be not to make ripples before then.

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