
Word Count :: 231

The scarred luperci had not been near Cercatori d’Arte lands since meeting the annoying girl with the annoying horse. Her opinion of the pack had not been great then, as she assumed that all of the artisans were silly wolves who danced and sang and spoke to stupid horses. After all, the members a pack tolerated reflected the pack, and compared to the cautious and hardened Inferni, everything else was folly to the arrogant Tirones.

Vesper did manage to hear that it was d’Arte that their Aquila, Ezekiel, had visited during the time that he was away. That meant that there had to be something to gain from the troupe of misfits, one whose purpose she still did not quite understand. Born non-luperci, she of course had little understanding of jewelry and painting and singing.

But that did not mean that she couldn’t recognize beauty, and while she had no appetence for artsy things, she was impressed by the Border Tree. There were different pawprints and writings and drawings on the bark and engraved into it, and trinkets hung from its high, wide branches. It seemed like a gateway, somehow, even though it was a solid object at the edge of the d’Arte borders. Her heart was tugged toward the tree unexpectedly, and awkwardly she stepped forward, placing one hand on its rough bark before her claw traced an etching there.

the Mentors!

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