Foul Fruit of Defeat
WC: 525

The umbral pelted fae pushed body forth with the minimal strength she had, a quiet grunt creaking from her parched throat. The sinew beneath her fur did not burn with fatigue but simply lacked tension. With the rest and warmer conditions, they responded better than upon the beach. Still, her full strength had not returned. The Korean paused, breathing deeply and holding her posture erect despite the effort. Exhaling, she brought her knee up and leaned with her elbow upon it, allowing her tenebrous crown to be balanced upon her fist. Pain shot through her skull once more before subsiding in waves. The shut eyes slowly opened, the eerily lunar orbs glinting in the dim light. Without shifting, her gaze followed a line along the floor landing ultimately in the corner. It was darker than the room—too dark. In her mind it was as if she could hear the shadow gathering, a low rolling of thundering silence. The white orbs were locked intently upon that place of shadow, those eyes empty and cold, filled with an exhausted and haunted light. She thought she could see Him there, leering in the dark. Smiling, laughing, mocking.

The sudden voice in the silence cut through. The Korean blinked and the shade was gone.

The words were foreign to her, but slowly her mind remembered the Western tongue. Black auricles swiveled to better catch the words. The voice was almost pleasant to hear, and so her defenses rose. The martial artist did not trust sudden kindness, and so suspicion was provoked by the soothing voice. And the Korean did not think she liked the sound of command within the final statement. Those pointed ears twitched as if to shed the words aside.

She lifted her head, turning to face the speaker directly. The strange female was coloured from the palette of the earth, unremarkable. The white orbs fell over the other’s body, taking note of physique. The lunar eyes fell finally upon the bright green gaze of the other and did not falter. The Korean was silent. “Why still?” The alto voice that scraped from her throat was heavy with the effort of shaping English from Korean, but she had learned better pronunciation since her arrival, if no grammatical progress had been made. She did not understand why she must be still. Indeed, she understood that she was wounded, but not the necessity of stillness. The black-furred fae was unsure whether to take it as a threat or advice. She was too weak to fight, but she would if she were required even though she knew defeat was inevitable. Slowly, she pushed her body to face directly the stranger who had taken her from the sea. The strong, black maw twitched in the beginnings of snarl before smoothing into a relaxed, neutral expression. The conflict within her mind was manifested physically upon her features as it never had before. “Who are you?” The dark lips seemed form a snarl. But at the moment, she did not so much care who this strange female was as much as she cared about why she was in the strange female’s house.

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