Fur and Axe
A customer! Amy stopped moving, the horse halting beside her. The slave had been tied to the back, forced to walk with them. Normally she'd bundle the girl up with the rest of the merchandise, but she didn't want her to fall asleep. Keeping her moving was a good way to present that. Amy cocked her ears up, listening to the howl. It was the deep call of a wolf. Her reply wouldn't be as nice, but she would try. Amy lifted her head, letting out a loud howl. It was short and deep, unable to carry like a wolf's.

Eagerly she rushed around, brushing dirt off from her body. She must look presentable to buyers. Amy didn't want a reputation as a disputable person that couldn't be trusted. She yanked her hands through her hair, pulling out the snarls in her ponytail. She pushed back the fabric covering, revealing a treasure trove most canines would spend a lifetime searching for. The trades had been difficult, but at times like this she found it completely worthwhile. Amy checked her outfit. It was a nice purple mini skirt. She'd topped it off with a dark green t-shirt that hugged her figure. She was ready to greet anybody.

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