Merchant and Slave
Amy heard splashing, though it was far ahead. Eagerly she pushed forward, creating splashes of her own as she raced towards the source. The girl drowning was a good image. She'd have to remember that for later. The current pushed her further and further along, Amy gaining momentum with each stroke. Her thick fur weighed her down, but nothing mattered to her at the moment. She just wanted blood. Glorious and warm, painting her fur as she tore the traitor to shreds. The reason for the chase was left behind, only the need to catch building.

There seemed no end to the water. Amy reached the section that the splashing had come from, only to find her efforts frustrated again. No sign of her victim was in place. The girl could have headed further downstream or turned off to either side. Amy clambered up to the shore, shaking the water from her fur. The wind blasted against her, sending shivers over her spine. She wouldn't give up though. Amy nosed up and down the shore, trying to catch even the faintest whiff of a trail. There was nothing there.

That didn't matter. There was still the other side to check. Amy could take her time. The slave hadn't been fed for the past few days. The simple lack of food would force her to stop soon. The girl could be a day ahead or fifteen minutes. Amy would find her wherever she went. Nothing would stop her revenge. Once more she plunged into the cold water, rushing to the other side. Amy had been pushed further downstream than before, and was beginning to get cold. She pushed the chill out of her mind. Muscles protested from being forced to work through the cold, but she kept moving. Her nose was put to the ground, trailing for a scent.

She was lucky this time. It took her a while, but the faint scent of another canine was found. Amy didn't know if it was her toy, but it was a lead. If it was another hapless fellow, she'd just tear him to pieces in the girl's place. Amy followed it up towards a forest. The scent grew stronger, and she knew it was the right trail. She let out a triumphant howl as she pounded down the path, growing ever closer.

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