
Word Count :: 3+Me too D: Wrap up soon? maybe they could do something more action-packed soon to make a bit of a change! Haha Smile

"Excellent, the squirrels haven't dared to come so close to the hotel. One moment," she said and funnelled the two pillowcases through her hands, then upended one so that the seeds poured from it into the other. She then tossed him the empty one and started poking about herself for chestnuts. Quite a few had fallen to the ground and the cases rotted away from them. They were pretty big, it was near the end of the season. The shiny brown showed up quite frequently and she flicked her plaits, pleased. "We'll have to invite all those poor loners to a big chestnut roast." She walked up to him with two handfuls, holding them out to empty into the bag. "That might be a way to entice them in. I would imagine though that many who choose to live that life are not the kind we could rely on, although some may just be the victims of misfortune," she pondered aloud. "There have been some extremely strange characters passing through here since I came. Highly unsavoury, even." She shuddered. The comment forming on her lips but far too insubordinate to say out loud was that there should be some way to better judge newcomers. She didn't want to reconstruct a version of her paranoia-laden birth pack but there were limits on hospitality towards sociopaths. The Cour was intentionally a home for misfits, she knew, but that didn't mean they had to take in everybody. Some misfits were outcast through no fault of their own, and some should never be allowed to cross a decent border. Of course, matters seemed to have improved lately, perhaps due to the new Dauphin's influence, or even just the winds of fortune.

Image courtesy of ®DS @ flickr; Table by the Mentors!

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