Merchant and Slave
Alexandrea felt her damp fur bristle up along her back and shoulders when her ears swerved back to catch a sound on the wind, and she froze for an instant in her tracks as the fear sunk in. A deep eerie howl echoed in the distance, though some distance away it was still close enough to send chills of terror running along her white pelt. She shuddered and whimpered, before she lunged forward, now running with more desperation than ever before. She was too frightened to even wonder how the merchant was able to track her down so quickly and easily.
The hybrid dashed through the forest, her dampen fur making her scent more feint and easier for her to attempt and get away without detection. She raced through an area with pines and her senses were almost overpowered with the scent of the massive trees. Her eyes lite with hope and she began to continue to run, now taking a route with more pine; she hoped that the heavy scent would make her even more difficult to track.
Her legs ached in the agony of exertion and little use, while her lungs burned like a raging fire, but still she continued to ran, not slowing for anything. She could not let herself get captured! She just couldn’t! The very thought sent her fur on end and her nerves sparking with fear. She didn’t like to think about what the golden furred Luperci would do with her if she caught her. Feeling her body protest she let out a huff; a ragged exhale of breath past her gaping jaws, with her tongue hanging out the side.
Alexandrea skidded to a halt when she felt at a loss and completely clueless to what her next move should be. She circled about swiftly, her head darting from side to side as she searched for a way to continue, then it was at that moment that her ears caught the sound of a gently trickle of water. She leaped toward the sound, always feeling encouraged by the sound of water, as it meant that water made it harder for her to be tracked. She could still remember the basic survival strategies that she learned back at home, and she found herself now using almost every trick she heard; which proved to be very trying and difficult since this land was drastically different then her home.
The young Luperci gazed down into a rather wide creak and she felt her heart lighten slightly with relief at the sight before her. She leaped into the water, feeling herself sink to only halfway up her legs… It was shallow, but that was perfectly fine! The water was only needed to hide her scent trail. She glanced over her should, looking upstream, but quickly looked away, knowing full well that her white fur would give her away as it floated in the water. She splashed slightly as she plunged forward, moving as fast as she could downstream.
As she carried on she glanced around for the best way to get out of the stream. It would only be a matter of time before Amy found her in the creak, if she was able to track this far. She knew she would have to leave the stream, but she couldn’t be too hasty about it. She leaped up and grabbed a hold of a high hanging branch, and swung there for a moment before hauling herself up. She carefully climbed through the tree until she reached the other end of a branch. She knew that her scent trial would end at the water, and since she leaped out to grab the tree there was no way to scent when she left the creak.
Alexandrea leaped as far away from the tree as she could and landed with a slight stagger as she hit the ground. She looked back at the tree and the creak with a small smile of triumph, before she turned around and continued to run. She was horribly out of breath and losing some of her strength, but she could feel herself able to carry on thanks to her high endurance. Her stomach growled at her but she ignored it and simply thought back to the various times when she had to go hungry back at her village; she was used to it.

[ooc: 728 word count... nice!]

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