a little more country than that...

Word Count → 397

Wayne was not entirely unused to pain like this. He’d had plenty of bumps and scrapes throughout his life, both related to livestock accidents and accidents from travel. He breathed calmly even as he lay on the ground, brow furrowed with frustration that he’d let himself be so damn careless with the pig. With winter rapidly approaching and few other large catches in storage, the pack couldn’t afford to have one of its members out of commission.

His frustrated brown eyes softened when he saw Dixie dismount and race over to him, kneeling and muttering before licking the wound. He pressed his muzzle gently against her shoulder as she worked, expressing his gratitude and happiness to be close to her with a soft rumble in his chest. He didn’t want her to be overly concerned with him, though she wasn’t really the type to panic at this bloody but somewhat small gash.

His friend spoke logically, urging him to shift and ride Fern. “Ya might need to keep her steady,” he warned, even as she stroked his fur. “In case the blood spooks her or—” Or if he lost consciousness, which was possible. He kept that bit to himself however, and focused his remaining energy on shifting. It took longer than usual because of the pain and his weariness, but soon he was rising carefully onto two legs and putting his hand over the cut.

Fern snorted at his bloody scent when he approached, shifting her weight nervously as old prey animal instincts kicked in, but she was characteristically calm once he had pulled himself onto her large back. He rubbed her neck, trying to use the familiar affection to keep her calm, and sighed as he allowed himself to slouch. He was grateful for not having to walk back, and he hoped that Dixie wouldn’t be too worn out from her part in the hunt—though they didn’t really have a deadline to return to the rest of the group.

“I reckon this might make for a good conversation starter,” Wayne joked, glancing at his bloodied fingers pressed to the wound. The bleeding had slowed now that he wasn’t wiggling around, and most of the excess had been licked off. “Though I suppose all respect will go out the window when I tell ’em a pig did this to me.” He grinned at her wearily.

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