Take Care
Shiloh could see an emotion from X'yrin as soon as she pulled Sarian to her. The pup seemed to bring out so many emotions from the woman. But this one was new to Shiloh. Longing... and something more but Shiloh was quick to dismiss it. Sarian licked X'yrins face softly and yipped her want to go with the woman. Shiloh smiled and just shook her head. A break from Sarian would be nice. She might actually get to sleep and sleep and well sleep some more. Her teats and breast were tender from feeding Sarian and she knew Kiara must be feeling ten times worse. The woman's ears were looked a little worn from all the biting Sarian did and she and Shiloh both had small patches where Sarian had knawed fur off their tails. Oh Shiloh wanted Sarian to go with someone so badly it made her whimper slightly.

"Keep her over night if you want to. I really need a nice sleep. I trust you not to let her out of your sight and keep her entertained and well fed. She eats meat but make sure its mashed to a pulp or really really chewed up. She also likes soups so you can feed her that if you want. She is a hand full X'yrin. Are you sure you are ready for this? You might get overwhelmed... I worry about you," she said softly as Sarian snuggoed against her. Oh she would sleep for about a hour to recharge then she would be up and goin again. She hoped the golden woman could handle her.

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