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ooc: 323 words. Feel free to use X'y if you need to.

The harem was oblivious to the watchful gaze of their stalkers. Carefully amber gems picked through the group, seeking sign of weakness among them, but to no avail as they were all standing still as they grazed. They would need to test the elk, herd out the weakest through distraction and panic. The very thought of making those silly deer gallivant to their will like puppets made the woman smile excitedly.

Softly the woman growled for Kiara to hold her position then slipped further into the overgrowth making little sound despite her impressive frame. She crept through the brush with her body poised to the ground, each step drawing her closer toward the midst of the herd. Their scent was intoxicating, arousing her increased desire for the slaughter til it was near unbearable and she about broke her cover to have a taste of first blood. But she suppressed the urge with all the strength she could spare, utilizing the bulk for the takedown sure to come.

Atop her back she felt the gentle caress of the wind and felt a terrified chill course down her spine. The winds would change and give them away. Already the herd was agitated in the open. They could not afford the whole harem to run off. No more than a few yards from the group, X’yrin paused and marked the beginning of their chase through a series of short sounded howls, conducting her hidden partner which ways to move to corral the spooked dear. ‘Left, front, right, center,’ she composed the path for Kiara to take to run the more able out of the herd and leave the weaker behind to chase. Her own task would be to guard against retreat from the rear and of course mind the weaker prey that would succumb to death by their efforts. And then a venomous snarl burst from her lips, startling the innocent grazers into a madden dash.


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