[DND]New Places, New Faces
Big Grin


The sharp yelp of a pup woke her from her sleep, she was immediately on the look out for a threat, her teeth bared and fur completely poofed out. She looked around wildly for the source of her child's cry, and was then confused when she could see no evident thread to them. Her gaze instead turned back down to her babies searching for the one that had cried. Three of them looked at her curiously, and also unsettled by their sibling's cry of pain. A fourth was curled up in the corner of the room whimpering quietly. It was Dalgina who had cried out, the all black spitting image of Temo looked up at her with eyes that were slowly fading from their puppyish blue to a deep brown just like Temo's. Her hackles and fur about her spine lowered slowly now that she had established that there was no danger, as safe as Ichika might be there was never a place completely devoid of danger for young pups.

The dog hybrid rose to her feet and reached down to pick the child up. Scared the pup reached out a paw to her for her to inspect and there Jace saw the cause of her pain. A splinter of wood was lodged in between the delicate pads on her feet and Jace held the girl close, hushing her to stop her squirming and holding her still, quickly removing the sliver of wood and licking the wound to bring out any residual pieces. The other three settled themselves back down together in a heap, the excitement already forgotten and within seconds all three were soon sound asleep again. Jace smiled with fondness and carried her daughter who she did not want to set down just yet out of the nursery. Temo was asleep on the bed in the master room after having somehow remained asleep through the cry which did make sense considering he had been awake with them all the previous night to give her a rest. She nudged him and told him she was going for a short walk, he grunted and relocated himself to the nursery, curling himself around their children. The sight made her heart thump proudly within her snowy chest, this was her family, now and forever.

She breathed deeply, pulling in the crisp air and exhaling it in a great shudder of breath. Her floppy ears twisted however as the sound of humming and a new scent reached her just before a doggish looking woman came into her view. Collie if she wasn't mistaken. The woman had her back to Jace so she let out a deep bark to alert the woman of her presence, perhaps a new friend to get involved with? Or if not merely an interesting discussion. Dalgina attempted to follow her mother's actions and let out a high pitched puppy yap. Her stubby tail wagged back and forth from her position in Jace's arms. Jace smiled at her child's mimicry.

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