
This isn't that good...I sucked.

Word Count → >>>

The man's eyes seemed to glitter with friendliness. He held his guitar in position and strummed along to the song that the woman; Neela was playing. Creating a pleasing melody. Orange eyes stayed on the strings of his guitar. He stopped playing at her questions. "Yes. It's nice to meet you too. I think I have my slight accent from my parents. They talked like this too. I come from off of Nova" He never noticed his accent, just went along with it. Orange eyes lit with curiosity watched her play her own instrument, "You're very talented." The man commented on her playing, skilled. A broad smile came to his maw and Jacinto found himself asking his own questions. "So where are you from?" He was interested, where did she come from, did she belong in a pack? His dark tipped tail thumped contentedly on the edge of the rock, he did remember his clothing at that moment and jumped up to retrieve them, placing his guitar carefully on the rock. "Excise me for a moment. I forgot something." The man smiled at Neela, a sign to her that he'd come back. He jogged to the tree which held his jeans and vest and ran quickly back. They weren't quite dry yet, but he set them down beside him back on the rock.

He picked the guitar back up and put it in his lap, positioning the light instrument so he could properly play. "I'm not that good...but I can play a little." Jacinto picked off some notes, sending the waves of music into the air. It sounded alright, but the dusty hybrid wasn't sure if he was as good as Neela.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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