Foul Fruit of Defeat
I actually didn't know that there was a spin involved :O Taekwondo is so interesting to me. Krav Maga is what I practice (though I don't formally train in it) so the variations are really interesting to see. Also, Pandemic is not grabbing her, but is ready to. I figure we can close this once you reply and get you all titled up! :> I'll PM you once you reply so we can figure out some time-jump stuff. +3

Salvia knew, when she felt the force behind the kick, that if this woman had been at her full strength and that she would have not walked away without broken ribs. There was something jarring about such a fact. The way she was trained to fight was different, and suddenly she wanted to know more about this technique. These were vague and distant thoughts as she toppled over, her head ringing, teeth slashing at her face. Her own maw responded in earnest, snapping and snarling, and while she managed to block several of the blows many more struck. Her face was bleeding and her jaw had taken several fierce punches. Teeth scraped her arm.

Mouth bloody, she grinned a terrible grin and used her weight to pin the shadow-colored woman to the floor. While the fall had been carefully taken (Salvia saw this, even through the haze of battle) she knew it could not have been without a price. The woman was winded. While her hair was held onto by one bloodied paw, Salvia began to laugh lowly, a breathless thing. She tasted her own blood. A free woman had done that, though, and she could accept such a thing.

Behind her a more massive darkness moved, rumbling deep and terrible. Pandemic had not seen Salvia engage in true combat before, and now that she was bloodied, it infuriated him. Yet the blonde girl gave him one silent order to remain still. Her hand tightened around the growling throat. She could feel the vibrations run through her hand. “Now you see,” her voice was thick, heavy with blood. “You have much to learn.” Only then, once she was satisfied, did she allow her brother to come forth. With his size, securing the woman was a matter of simply grappling her.

Salvia did not make to bind her hands, and continued to speak (after she spat blood onto the fire). “This is Salsola,” she explained, pride full in the word. “Until you die, this will be your home.”

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