all night doctors
She had barely been awake when she had somehow managed to crawl onto the large stallions back after he had rescued her from death. She had never thought the horse would throw itself into a fight to help her no matter low long they had ridden together. Saol had proven her wrong though. Though he had tried to be careful in getting her back to the clan lands she had lost all track of reality and had slipped away into unconciousness shortly after leaving the scene of the fight.

The tiny coyote didn't even realize when Saol had brought her to the safe harbor of the clans lands and Helotes had her gathered in his arms. If she had her senses about her she probably would have tried to demand he put her down, one so small should never have such abundance of pride, but it was the way of the world. Someone somewhere found irony in the tiny Lykois life so for whatever eternal being chose to amuse themselves in her day to day she would have to live a life of constant adjustment.

Her lilac orbs did flutter open weakly at the bellowing of Enkiel's name, somewhere her mind told her that the voice belonged to Helotes. She whined softly, confused as to where she was, what was going on, and why she was being held tightly by Helotes. None of it seemed to matter though when the throbbing pain hit her again as she cried out.

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