The world is dark and cold

Word Count → 276 :: OOC: sorry for the delay, you know the drill .... thanksgiving family friends rl junk anyways got it up for ya hopefully I'll be faster to get this up quicker. If i'm late by a day or so skip me ok? I don't mind Smile

The bird made Shawchert quite uncomfortable even if her words were reassuring. He just didn’t feel entirely comfortable in the presense of a bird especially one that was a predator. Then again it wasn’t so uncommon, he had Izzy and she was a ferret. An unsual companion to say the least. He smiled, at her own introduction but clearly she couldn’t see it.

“It is nice to meet you Hotaru. I can understand I would be quite upset myself if my friend left me stranded in the middle of no where.”

His ears perked back when he heard Skye and he turned to her and smiled a warm smile for his leader. She had done quite well for this pack, and things were better now with her in the lead. He nodded to Hotaru and spoke after she asked about her.

“This is Hotaru.... that’s right yeah? She wants to stay here for a while.”

Then he came closer to the woman so that the other girl would have a hard time hearing anything Shawchert said and whispered in a muffled voice to Skye.

“She’s blind, I couldn’t just let her be on her way.”

Then he spoke again in a normal voice to the woman by the borders.

“This is Skye, she’s the leader of Cercatori d’ arte. We are a pack of... crafts, arts, and most of all trades.”

He said figuring he’d fill the other woman in about what they did in the pack, though it was still a pack and they let anyone join in.

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Image © Nat! And Table by Noelle!


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