The course of true love never did run smooth.
OOC text

Thankfully Titania did not object, though he could see her want to glittering in her golden eyes. But she went to eat the hare, rolling it over and devouring it’s most tender parts, just as he hoped she would. He watched her lovingly as she ate, almost in a brotherly way. He had been raised without siblings, but he guessed that this might be what it would have felt like to see them and be near them. But he loved her even more deeply than that, a love that reminded him of what he had felt to Lucia, but ten-fold that. He knew that this white, crimson stained wolfess was taking over his heart, where the darkness that had been Lucia’s once was. He would have to let that black wolfess go he decided; somehow, he had to let her go.

After Titania was finished, she offered him the rest of the carcass, and though he was not hungry, he graciously finished it up. It tasted good, tender; he didn’t have the chance to eat many rabbits back near his den. She mentioned how they made a good team and he paused to smile up at her, mouth now complete stained ruby red from the blood. It was true, they did seem to make a fantastic couple. Zalen never wanted to be apart from her.

When he had finished, she offered to show him where she was born, in Thronbury, a place he hadn’t heard of. He nodded, wagging his tail and bumping his forehead into her neck, I would love to, he said, and the two of them headed off.

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