The world is dark and cold


Word Count → 271

Hotaru and Fawkes noticed the approaching stranger at the same time. Fawkes rustled his wings a little and nipped at the grey woman's ear to alert her. Hotaru was expecting the stranger, but the added presence still made her a little nervous. She was not sure what to make of this situation, but she kept her goals in mind. The grey wolf needed shelter, and she needed time to adjust to her condition. She only hoped that this pack was friendly.

Hotaru's ears perked at the sound of the strange woman's voice and she listened quietly as Shawchert explained the reason for her intrusion. Although the blind woman did have a hard time hearing Shawchert's comment about her condition, she could still make out his words. Hotaru rolled her amber eyes and waited patiently for her turn to speak.

The grey wolf couldn't believe her luck. Not only were the two wolves considering letting her stay with them, but they were also a pack of artists. The only thing that reveled her excitement were a few slight twitches in her tail. Other than that, Hotaru's body remained still and complacent. "Nice to meet you Skye." The blind woman gave a polite tilt of her head. "It is as Shawchert said. I am without a home and any assistance that you and your pack can offer me would be more than welcome. A pack that center's around art is quite unusual. Are there any wood carver's in your pack? I used to quite skilled at the art before my... accident, and I would love to be able to pick it up again."

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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