Cry Havoc, And Let Slip The Dogs Of War.
Only took me all day to write this. Oh yeah, This thread is predated to Dec 2, I believe. | +501

Ibycus had woken up that morning with his stomach protesting at it's emptiness. It had been several days since his last meal and it was time to find another meal. With a long and satisfying stretch, he reached for the the tree branches and listened to his spine pop a couple of times. A few steps to a small stream that was bubbling near by, he drank several long droughts of the cool and crisp water.

His stomach satisfied until it realizes that it was only water that got sent down to it, Ibycus prowls around the immediate area of the forest that is surrounding him in search of a meal. it was slow going and his stomach was about to signal it's protest at being fooled by the water when the scent of a deer weaved its way around the trees and across his nose.

It was not too much longer and Ibycus was bent over the small deer skinning it with his knife. The steam from the body rising in the cool morning air as he cut off a hunk of meat and started taking bites of it. Despite his growling stomach, he ate slowly savoring the taste of fresh blood and venison. He marveled at how the deer tasted so different from where he was from. He could even taste the difference in the animals from other parts of the region he now traveled around in.

His hunger once again sated for a while, Ibycus wrapped the rest of the meat in the hide for later and proceeded back to the stream from where he had drunk from earlier that day. He took another drink and worked at washing the blood from his fur. His fingers were going numb from the cold water after meticulously washing all the blood from his brown and white fur.

He rubbed his hands together trying to warm them back up and then shook the water from his fur, water droplets flying everywhere. Satisfied that the blood was gone from his fur and his hunger sated, Ibycus returned to where he had bedded down the previous night and for several nights before that. He retrieved his bag and made sure everything was there and with the bundle of extra meat in hand, he looked around at what was home for a few days as he had looked around the area to make sure he had everything although that was not much.

He was about to continue his trek southward when he heard a voice wind it's way around the trees to his floppy ears. He listened for a few moments and the voice did not sound menacing so he padded around and through the trees the short distance and came upon another talking with and feeding his horse. Saluto, Signore, how are you this fine day? Ibycus called out in his Italian accent to the other as he came into sight but did not approach to close just in case that the other luperci might be hostile.

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