Walking Blindly Through Life.

I'm not for you, you're not for me;
I'll kill you first, you wait and see

He had her, he had her. She was right where he wanted her, exposed and waiting for him to deliver the final blow. He lunged, opening his jaws to tear her throat out. At the last minute, just as he felt his teeth rake her skin, he felt himself being jerked back, and suddenly the white wolf was out of reach. He snarled, and began to thrash wildly, twisting and moving, trying to grab a hold of the intruder's forearm with his teeth.

If this intruder somehow cost him his chance at killing the white wolf, he would just have to compensate by killing her as well. No one stopped him from completing his kill.

His movements became more wild as he tried to set her off balance by knocking his head backward, then quickly trying to pull his body forward. All the while, he struck at anything he could find, any flesh he could rip. As he moved, he felt a bit of his own skin pull taut where the female had slashed at him. So he had been injured after all; he had not noticed. He twisted again, feeling the burn as he stretched his wound wider, feeling the spark of pain that ran down his leg. He was grimly amused by this, and even more amused that he really did not care about the pain or the sparks. He had a task to complete; everything else would have to wait.


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