It's kinda the way I'm feelin'
This thread is making me all teary-eyed <33

She worried about so many things...she wasn't sure how she had room to fit everyone and everything in there, but somehow she managed. Naniko was a natural worrier--she was almost always anxious about something that might go wrong with somebody, or how some packmate was doing...sometimes about Sirius and Apollo, other times about Lucifer and Deuce. Occasionally Conri, though he seemed to get into less trouble than the boys. But the trouble that Conri got into was always much more serious.

Naniko listened to Savina's words gravely, her hands clutched together in front of her. It seemed that everyone in the pack had a story like hers, that their family members had either died or ran away...that they'd been left behind somehow. Naniko had always spent so much time worrying about her own family, her own mother Iskata and her real parents, Roman and Kaelyn, that she hadn't ever thought about how Conri might feel about his mother Soran having left...and about him killing his father Hollow after Hollow had raped Soran for the second time.

The girl came nearer to her packmate, wrapping long arms around her, rocking her a little and whispering lightly. "She knew you loved her. Parents know how much their children love them...and how much they care about them. It was in every smile you gave her, every favor you did for her and every kill you brought home for her. You don't need to say goodbye as long as you know that she'll always be there with you, wherever you go. You'll see her physically when you leave this world...but I bet she's watching over you, right now, seeing how much you love her and miss her. And when you do get to see her again you can tell her everything you never got the chance to say...but I think she'll already know. I think she always knew."


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