dance of thorns


Word Count → 000

Respect had never been a big thing in Jackson’s book. His elders seldom got the respect they deserved if they talked down on him, and hell, his own leader could barely summon anything more than disdain from him. He was defiant to those that thought they were above him, and that was all that he could see here. It didn’t matter that this stranger was rightfully defending his lands. Jackson just saw someone who thought that they were better than him, and the hybrid boy intended to prove him wrong.

The Dreamer wolf informed him that he was trespassing with a snarl, and that only prompted a snort from the hybrid boy. He was trespassing, huh? No shit. He would have never guessed it. The pack wolf stepped toward him and Jackson straightened up in response, teeth still bared in a defiant display. “I’d like to see you try,” he taunted. The Anatheman trespasser took slow steps to the right, keeping his gaze steady on the pack wolf in front of him. A low growl of his own rumbled in his chest as he waited for the Dreamer to make the first move.

Image by J; table code by the Mentors!


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