j. running up the stairs
Zana watched silently as the two brothers rigid stances seemed to grow brittle. Her voice was dry as she turned her lilac orbs back to Columbine as she stated. "It would be best to find a common ground then, I don't think Ezekiel would be very please with such hostility on the borders if its with a potential new clan mate..." she turned to glance at Helotes, wanting to move to her larger cousin in a show of comfort, but she didn't know how to make that first move or even speak such comforts I front of this new cousin that seemed to have crashed into her world. Nothing seemed the same now and she was confused. She sighed softly and sat down hard to watch the two males.

She was slightly surprised as the two went from such open hostility to embracing. She wasn't certain she liked what was going on but then again the only one of her siblings she'd really known closely she had stayed close to. Zana was quiet as she watch how the situation changed, as Helotes called off to their leader and seemed to beg the two to be hospitable for him. She glared at the darker male for a second before shaking her head and grumbling. "He had better understand just what loyalty really means..." she said darkly as she hoped that the males previous outburst that had made her suspicious in the first time was a fluke. If Ezekiel wanted this man to reside she'd be watching him closely.

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