Haunted House
OOC If X'yrin stays behind, I can just play as the ghost

Her companion's words made her pause. Already Terra was forcing herself to move against her instincts. Maybe it would be for the best if they just backed down. Lifting her head Terra sniffed the air, checking for danger. She couldn't smell anything wrong, and her eyes just showed an old house. Terra had played in plenty of those growing up, and even used them for shelter when traveling. Why was this one so different? Why did it make her feel afraid despite the fact she could defend herself, and run faster than any creature she'd encountered?

The next moment secured in her mind the reason why they should leave the house alone. Something moved inside there, something with no smell or sound. The hackles stood completely up. Bowing down Terra snarled at the unseen presence. She was frozen to the spot, torn between a deadly fascination and the deep need to flee. The door creaked open, and out stepped what looked like a wolf.

Terra has no connection to the spiritual whatsoever. She believes in the stories that her family told her, but adheres to no particular religion beyond the fact that Coyote is out there making tricks, bettering their lives. Even that was tapered by the sure feeling of death that Terra fought. She knew no other world than the one she lived in. That creature defied all existence. At this point, Terra's mind kindly chose to exit, making sure the poor girl wasn't overwhelmed. Without another moment Terra turned and fled. She was halfway out of the forest before her mind returned, allowing her to process what had been.

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