It's time for the final chapter
She sat quietly while he explained everything, she was polite but didn't offer her thoughts on much. She could see very well that he had been gifted in height and body tone but she knew as well that always didn't prove to be the best, except when it came to fighting, and sometimes even then it failed the owner of said body. She flicked her eyes to his arm and stared at the scars for a moment before being reminded of her own scars and flicking her gaze away she kept her ears perked for the explaination.

When it came it was to be expected, the simple things of youth and muscle over mind. She could have expected it anywhere, youth was where you gained wisdom and sometimes it came at the hand of stupidity. A slight smile ran across her lips as she thought of that idea before speaking up on his question. "You can't blame the youth, I bet at one time or another you were younger and too quick to prove your worth in the eyes of another. Sometimes it's not easy to come by wisdom and mistakes have to be made to gain knowledge." she grinned and joked slightly. "Besides, most of us don't like to admit our faults, and you're luckier than most, your senior packmembers aren't here to point out your own youthful mistakes. Some of ours still are.." Her eyes danced at the humor of remembering some of her more foolish moments before she moved a step closer to the male.

She turned to gaze towards the territories beyond before shrugging at how they were like. "Well, for the most part as long as you mind their borders and don't go looking to be rude the most of them can be pleasant. Some of course can be a bit grumpy and gruff, but that's just who they are. Just.. watch out for the coyotes, they can be foul from time to time but not all of them are bad.. given half a chance." She knew she was giving the coyotes too much credit, though she also knew if you didn't approach them looking hostile that you could find yourself with a somewhat friendly face and be able to relax for the moment. She knew it wasn't always true though, which she thought was sad.

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