You don't need to hide, my friend.

Wow, haven't heard that before, thanks much, means a lot! I think the same of you ^^, and he has to go to AniWaya because it's AWESOME. xD (In other words, I'm forcing him =3) I'm obsessive with tribes and stuffs <3 wc; 1012

The wolf respected the lady, certainly in the aspect of her choice of gift. You could see that in his eyes as he heard the words blade, or tool, or food. Surely these were men’s toys of gifts, maybe not so much the meat, but the blade or tool certainly? Back where he was from, women were to cook and to clean, yet they were still equal to men, and did the house work from choice. He was surprised and taken aback, but yet his opinion of her grew. A sneaky smile formed on the corner of his maw, as if to say he’d keep the information in mind. Why he’d store such information was unclear to him fully, yet one thing he understood was that he’d like to have more meetings with the femme. They had only just been acquainted yet Frodo was already starting to like her. And perhaps, if they ever did meet again, he would bring something along. Frodo was a fair craftsman; he was skilled in making both extravagant, beautiful weapons such as his hunting bow, and simple items; like bowls or other trinkets for example. Or he could even ask a trained craftsman from his pack- if he could find any, that was. There were so many possibilities when meeting someone new. It was funny, thinking now that at first he’d only wanted to stop for directions, but he’d learnt a great deal about his whereabouts from her, and she‘d been so kind, and although there could be a good deal of afternoon left to carry on travelling, he’d much rather spend it resting - and eating - in Naniko’s company. He owed her.

The shadowing horse stiffened in reply to the woman addressing him, his physical communication unclear but his understanding of words roughly forming together. He knew a lot more than people took him to know, but there was no way of showing this. One thing he understood now was that Frodo was happy in the wolf’s presence, another that he, himself, was still wary of the stranger. But Strider had always been wary, and frightened, but not entirely stupid. He knew a relaxed conversation when he saw one, at least, and part of his guard had fallen away. Strider was a wary and unpredictable steed, however the stallion’s intentions were only good, and he only wished to protect his boy. Funny how most saw a horse as belonging to it’s rider, yet Strider saw Frodo as someone he himself owned like a pet, and had to protect. Maybe it was the stallion-nature of him, the wanting to herd and to lead. This paternal instinct would most likely be lost, if the stallion happened to be gelding-made, and it was a good job he hadn’t, too. Castrate a horse, and the horse became a dud, and it’s personality fell away for you to mould yourself. Most would think this as a good thing, but
Frodo believed it was bad, and would take away the horse's dignity.

Frodo watched Naniko beckon and responded with his eyes, the orbs falling gentle and eager. One slender, black hand reached underneath Strider’s chin to where he had a better grip on the bridle. There was no lead rope, in fact Frodo had never used a lead rope, and so he made do with leading by just the scraps of leather that formed the horse’s restraint. Frodo had to fall a few paw-steps behind the woman, seeing as he was following, but the onyx wolf could easily keep up, and also continue speaking to her. Again the man scratched his furry scalp, wondering what sort of food she exactly had in mind. Frodo found himself hoping it was something he liked, and then hissed through his teeth silently. He would be happy with whatever she gave him, was his ultimate and final decision.

Both ears cocked up stimatainasly when she began to answer his curiosity. And truly, this made him even more curious, but at least answered his question. He could tell she’d been a woman of power but not guessed of authority in a pack; when she said she formed the territory known as Anathema, he raised and waggled his eyebrows as if he wouldn’t or couldn’t believe it, yet of course he did believe her. I haven’t heard of it, no, but thence sounds like a stairway to heaven, not half. he commented gruffly, holding her own green gaze for a moment or two. And as she revealed that the members were to seal in blood, and showed to him her paw-pads, he could only stare down at her palms in a stern amazement. It was a moment or two or silence before the lad lifted up his chin, speaking in something of a whisper. ‘Tis a well-nifty thing to seal in blood, an honourable thing. Once the seal is made, the receiver becomes your kin. These ones, these people of Anathema, must be worthy. Mark my words, conqueror. his non-blinking eyes scanned her paws one last time before being averted. He was mysteriously intrigued, and had a feeling like he was intruding upon her privacy.

The afternoon was still present, but because of winter the days were getting shorter; or at least, appearing shorter. At this moment, the sun started to set, and Frodo cast a glare at the colourful sky. Lights out, boys and girls. he turned to Naniko; In no more than a jiffy we’re gonna need us some fire, my wicked little snickersnee. I‘ll tell it how it is- let’s find this grub pronto, so to speak. he rubbed his hands together and pulled his olive-born cloak around his chest, glad of the welcomed warmth. He blew out some sea-scented breath into the wind, and watched it make warm steam. They’d been walking a fair distance, and Frodo wondered if they were any closer than when they first began.

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