Victims of Their Vices
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The owl had attempted to fulfill his duty as both guide and guardian to his master, but he would have succeeded only if his words held sway over her selfish curiosity. Unfortunately, this was not the case as she tread deeper into dangers midst, unaware of what truly lurked beneath the fluid movements.

She had only a moment to react before metal was thrust in his direction. Even the keenest eyes would have endured a struggle to avoid such deadly aim, and the Nomad was no exception. By the grace of the fates she had avoided the deadly blow, skidding just out of range of the projectile. Hackles rose defensively, the whole of her body suddenly infused with adrenaline now thrown into the midst of peril.

“I hadn’t meant to interrupt,” she explained in her own defense, offering her open palms in a show of humility. “I simply intended to observe. My curiosity got the better of me, as it were. I do apologize for my intrusion.”


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