something greater than we are.
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Sirius is three months old and half coyote =o. But he thinks he's 100% wolf. His father is Samael, but the only father that he knows is Pilot Haddon. Sometime during this thread, Anselm could tell him that he thinks he might be part coyote?

Naniko had taken him here once or twice before, when he'd been younger, so he knew this territory well enough to traverse it by himself. He had been out of the den for around a month now, and had gone on all sorts of adventures without her or Pilot there. As he got bigger and bigger he found himself with more and more unanswered questions, though. The thing that had been plauging him lately was the differences between he and Apollo. Not just with their personalities...but with their looks. Sirius was thin, with longer legs and a coppery pelt. His tail wasn't long and bushy, and his muzzle was much more narrow.

He wondered about this as he walked along the shoreline. Sirius didn't mind getting wet, so he paid the clouds overhead no heed as he went, little paws making shallow prints in the sand. He could always make a run for the trees. The young male looked ahead of himself, spotting a small path that led partway out into the ocean. The water wasn't so deep in this area. He climbed across the rocky pathway, getting out to a large boulder that rested at the end, halfway submerged beneath the water, and he sat down, looking out into the water.

Sirius had heard about big animals living inside the water, sharks and stingrays and fish...ones that could eat him in one bite. He crouched down, putting his face closer to the water and looking into the depths. Too dark to tell.

The youngster looked for a while longer before he became bored, turning back to go down the path that he'd come from. But instead of seeing the rocks that he'd lept across to get out to the boulder, his eyes met ocean. Ocean. And more ocean. And now that the storm was picking up, the waves were getting higher and higher. One lifted high enough to splash against the boulder that he sat on, getting his paws, and he jumped at the cold temperature of the water. "Help! Help me, please!"But who would be all the way out here? He felt so stupid. Naniko and Pilot couldn't save him...they were all the way back in Twilight Vale and Shadowed Sun.


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