Blue skies and sunshine~

+3. Ogogogogo.

And it's warm and real and bright o/`

It had surprised the snow-white woman that she had changed the subject, when normally she'd continue to read with the company by her side. She knew Silvano enjoyed their time when they read aloud, but the recent days had started to change the way she looked at the male, and how her powder blue eyes fell deep into his sparkling emeralds. It was the magic of love that did just that, a powerful new feeling that made the woman see her knight in a new light, and she almost found herself speaking to him differently as well. Though strange, every moment the pale princess was alight with color and cheer, and made her heart beat noticeably as she let the feelings grow within, like new spring flowers.

She was startled by his gentle, playful touch on her nose, and it made the dark haired woman blink back into reality. Oh~ The woman looked curiously up at the male, who seemed genuinely interested in the tale in the pale woman's lap. Giselle smiled at his first question, moving stray hairs that had taken to falling to one side of her face. I'm sure there's a tiny prince out there for her. It's destiny~! Her words were ones she truly believed, and couldn't help but smile warmly at them. But the happy feature melted away into a surprised expression, at his next inquiry. Slowly, Giselle looked up into his face again, searching for the answer. Only the sound of her own breathing was heard before she answered. Well, I'm sure she and her prince will believe in love at first sight. A small, meek smile painted her face, her next words barely above a whisper, and she found herself turning away from him and facing the fire. Like I did. The hearth crackled merrily in the room, and Giselle found her form sinking deeper into the cushions, delighting in the warmth that it gave off.

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