Old Blood New Ties

OOC here comes the monster

Amy's ears flicked forward as she watched a hybrid arrive on wolf pack. His fur was a beautiful pure white. She rather liked it, and even better he seemed to be slightly civilized. The canine was wearing clothes! Amy had learned not to expect such things from those around her, so coming across someone who actually did that was a pleasant surprise. When he arrived in shouting distance her opinion of him shifted though. His words were rather rude. Even if the hybrid had the outward appearance of civility, he appeared to be just as bad as the rest.

Just to bug him Amy considered jumping off the building. She wouldn't harm herself, just aiming for a window below that she could swing herself into. The thought was childish though, so Amy restrained herself and instead politely climbed down to where they could converse more easily. As she approached him the scent tickled the back of her mind. Amy frowned, trying to figure it out. The scent was almost familiar, but not quite. Have we met before?

Amy Sunders


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